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Campus Grand Parc

The Institut Gustave-Roussy at Villejuif, the most important European cancer research centre, is the centre of gravity of the Sciences et Santé – Sciences and Health – cluster in the Grand Parc Campus. It is also the site chosen as a public transport hub in the future Grand Paris Express network, at the intersection of two lines. Traversed by the A6 motorway, it will then become a residential, commercial, service industry, health care, research and education nexus, integrated into green spaces, existing parks and the future greenway. The aim of the Campus Grand Parc urban planning study is to highlight the qualities of the landscape and its topography. The creation of trapezoid roadways is intended to channel traffic flows and confers a strong legibility on the project’s intercommunal dimension.


Masterplan and project management of public spaces for ZAC Campus Grand Parc


EPT 12, Sadev 94


Villejuif, France


70 ha




TVK (lead architect and urban designer), TER (landscape architect), Ingerop (roads and utilities, traffic and movement, environmental consultants)



TVK team

Alexandre Bullier, Vincent Hertenberger (project directors), Gabriel Bertolini, Léonard Cattoni, Diane Gobillard, David Enon, Lucie Euvrard, Hee-Won Jung, Mathilde Meurice, Pauline Parcollet

Press kit
Masterplans, Public spaces
Ground floor (1/5000)
Ground floor (1/5000)
Housing (red), Offices (blue), Facilities (yellow)
Housing (red), Offices (blue), Facilities (yellow)