Les nouvelles coalitions du terroir-monde : réduire l’empreinte des subsistances
Les villes-monde, ou plus largement les villes du monde, dépendent aujourd’hui d’un immense système productif rural globalisé assurant leur approvisionne- ment quotidien en aliments et matières biosourcées. C’est à la transformation d’un fragment de ce « terroir-monde », que s’est attelée l’équipe pluridis- ciplinaire menée par TVK dans le cadre de la consultation Luxembourg in Transition…
L’épopée des géants : prendre la mesure de l’instabilité terrestre
De même que la question urbaine, puis le phénomène métropolitain ont au siècle précédent mis en crise l’art d’habiter le monde, la question terrestre, portée aujourd’hui par le dialogue entre les sciences naturelles et sociales, oblige une nouvelle fois à recharger les concepts et pratiques pour permettre aux architectes de penser la façon de s’installer sur une Terre durablement agitée.
The Topsoil Beneath the (Reclaimed) Surface: Geomorphology of the Polder on the Right Bank of the River Garonne in Bordeaux
Over the last twenty years, the topsoil has reappeared on the former industrial sites on the right bank of the River Garonne in the city of Bordeaux. After a period of neglect, several major projects have helped to build the structural framework of a landscape in the residential development of this vast polder which was built from the 18th century onwards.
Architecture d’une cité-jardin : Construire la lisière des mondes humains et non-humains
Comment concilier habitats humains et habitats non-humains ? C’est la question qui résume le défi posé par le « Village des médias » sur lequel TVK a travaillé depuis 2015. Ce projet urbain, situé sur les communes du Bourget, de Dugny et de la Courneuve, est destiné à accueillir les journalistes du monde entier durant les Jeux à l’été 2024.
Design, de la nature à l’environnement : nouvelles définitions — Architecture du sol
Il y a un paradoxe frappant dans le fait que ce que l’on nomme architecture désigne communément le monde des édifices en excluant celui du sol, alors que le domaine dans lequel l’homme a produit le plus d’architecture – on pourrait dire que l’homme a le plus « architecturé » – au cours de son histoire, est précisément celui du sol lui-même.
The anarchitecture to Come
It is vital to look back on Gordon Matta-Clark’s work, among other reasons, to highlight little-known facets of a shape-shifting oeuvre. The exhibition “Gordon Matta-Clark: Anarchitect”, and the accompanying catalogue, do so by revealing Matta-Clark as truly engaged in his era, concerned with the nameless, the have-nots of his time
Architecture of the Ground
There is a striking paradox in the fact that, from that which is called architecture, commonly designing the world of buildings, the ground is excluded, in that the very area in which man has produced the most architecture – one could say that man has most “architectured” – in the course of his history, is precisely the ground itself.
Meanwhile… On uchronia in architecture
The objective of TVK’s research is to grapple with the complexity and paradoxical character of the contemporary city, to pursue its construction in a time that would be on the one hand continuous—a set of rules that would transcend the contextual and contingent real (an utopia?)—and on the other hand, discontinuous, which, conceived in “seasons”, allows the project to always happen without linearity or certainty (an uchronia?). As such there is forged their concept of “screenwriting” (scénarisation), of urban design in particular and architecture in general.
The infrastructure clarifies the intermediate city
Faced with this fact, one strategy is possible: a “weak points” method, which would ‘tackle’ the little things, the weak points of the road system, and echo the increased importance of “weak signals”, in terms of mobility practices.
Like an Adolescent City
It is possible to see the construction of Thiers’s city wall in 1845 as the starting point of the modern adventure for Paris and the beginning of the building of the Parisian metropolis. Originally, the military rampart was a wall in the midst of fields, but one which founded a new city and an administrative boundary which today still defines an inside and an outside, a centre and a periphery…